Thursday, 9 October 2008

Deniz: MedNet CAse- the 2nd Question-

HI Everybody..
I think the second question should be :
2.)What does an advertiser want? "Sales-leads", brand awareness? What are the best metrics for measuring these?

what do you think? because it may change the answer .. I sent an e mail to the prof. to ask .. as soon as I get the reply I will inform you ...



Shelley said...

I'm also confused with that term. In some companies they just simplify "sales lead" as "leads". However, In this case I think it means "sales leads" just as the case mentioned on page 4 (third line). Maybe it's a typo?

deniz 孔海尼 R97749048 said...

I did not get any e mail from the prof. yet ... so I still do not know...

deniz 孔海尼 R97749048 said...

I just get an e mail from the prof. guys. the second question should be sales, sales-leads, brand-awarenes.....

just wanted to inform you :)