Thursday, 18 December 2008

Google Adwords update

Thurs. Dec. 18th

I made some changes to our campaign and also came up w/ more keywords.
Amraa what does "" mean again and was "expense ticket" "消費券" a negative keyword?

創業 =undertaking 6 clicks, 462 impressions, CTR= 1.3%
雪 = snow 2 clicks, 1405 impressions, CTR= .14%
禮品 present, 3 clicks, but only .45%CTR, QS 4/10
優格 superior standard QS 7/10, 2 clicks, low CPC $8.51,

Total cost= $111, I think we can increase our
I increased daily spending to $140
I added a negative keyword; artificial flavor
I deleted “Expense Ticket”pore score 2/10 .23% CTR
I added keyword Christmas Dessert
I added yogurt online
I added food gifts 食物禮物
Christmas Present 聖誕禮物 (results below), I deleted it b/c only got 2 clicks buy had 370 imp at high cost
Bid $44.71 Clicks 2 Imp 370 CTR 0.54% AVG CPC $28.68 Cost $57.36

Negative words
人为味道 artificial flavor
玉米糖浆 corn syrup

在网上健康酸奶 healthy yogurt online
命令酸奶 order yogurt
圣诞节点心 Christmas desserts
聖誕節假日 Christmas Holiday
在網上酸奶 online yogurt
食物禮物 food gifts
2nd campaign
清淡的酸奶 light yogurt

"消費券" Expense ticket Why do we have this keyword, it has a very poor score?

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